The Stop. Dieting. Forever. Podcast with Jennifer Dent Brown

Is your dieter's mindset keeping you overweight? Good question, right? Think about it. Have all those diet rules helped you achieve your forever weight? If you're here, reading this, chances are they haven't helped you. I get it. This is exactly why I started the Stop. Dieting. Forever. podcast. I want to help you to learn how to stop thinking like a dieter so you can lose weight in a way that works!

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All episodes + show notes

Jennifer Dent Brown Jennifer Dent Brown

EP 96. When Weight is Easy to Gain and So Darn Hard to Lose

Let's be real. Losing weight can suck. It can be frustrating because it seems like you can put on weight in the blink of an eye. But how do you handle the crazy slow loss when you've been working out, meal planning, and doing all the things for weeks and the scale is moving at a snail’s pace?

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Jennifer Dent Brown Jennifer Dent Brown

EP 95. “I’m curious about that weight fluctuation.” Part 3 of 3

Today we are diving into the third and final part of a 3 part series. In this series, I'm walking you through the progression of thinking of the LUXE Lifer who follows my 3 phase approach to weight loss as it specifically relates to thoughts about daily weight fluctuations.

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Jennifer Dent Brown Jennifer Dent Brown

EP 90. What if Your Weight Wasn’t a Problem?

“Focusing on my health feels like a chore”. I hear this often. As I coach clients on why they find it easy to do the daily work during the week, but on the weekends they fall off it's because in their mind, what they're doing is work and they deserve a break after working all week.

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Jennifer Dent Brown Jennifer Dent Brown

EP 89. Losing 15 Pounds without Dieting: Aimee LaLiberte’s Story

Today's episode is all about transformation. You'll be hearing from, LUXE Lifer, Aimee LaLiberte, as she shares her story of transformation. Even though she was an athlete in high school, her height (5’ 10”) and her athletic build diminished her confidence.

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Jennifer Dent Brown Jennifer Dent Brown

EP 84. Dealing With Holiday Weight Gain

So you’ve gained a few holiday pounds. Worries about holiday weight gain are common, but stressing about calories could backfire and spur overeating due to those SSSTs (Sneaky Self-Sabotaging Thoughts).

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Jennifer Dent Brown Jennifer Dent Brown

EP 80. Why Weight Loss Takes So Long

The most common complaint I hear from my clients is that their weight loss journey is taking too long. The pace of your weight loss depends solely on YOU and what you do.

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