The Stop. Dieting. Forever. Podcast with Jennifer Dent Brown

Is your dieter's mindset keeping you overweight? Good question, right? Think about it. Have all those diet rules helped you achieve your forever weight? If you're here, reading this, chances are they haven't helped you. I get it. This is exactly why I started the Stop. Dieting. Forever. podcast. I want to help you to learn how to stop thinking like a dieter so you can lose weight in a way that works!

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success stories Jennifer Dent Brown success stories Jennifer Dent Brown

EP 168. Work Travel Doesn't Automatically Mean Weight Gain

In my latest episode of Stop. Dieting. Forever., I delve into the hidden challenges of juggling work travel with personal weight loss goals. If you are a frequent traveler like I was or if you travel occasionally for work, you know being away from your daily routine can be problematic.

You'll hear me:

talk about the unspoken challenges that traveling professionals face

explore strategies to align your professional commitments with your health goals

It's possible to break the cycle of weight gain during a business trip. Listen to the latest episode here. And once you've tuned in, I'd love to hear your thoughts. What's been your biggest challenge when it comes to maintaining a healthy lifestyle while traveling for work?

Looking forward to hearing from you,


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success stories Jennifer Dent Brown success stories Jennifer Dent Brown

EP 167. While You're Waiting to Lose Weight

Last night, I sat still in a pool of reflections. My heart heavy, shadowed by the sudden loss of a close relative. Years of unhealthy habits had finally taken their toll. My aunt had just succumbed to her battle with a myriad of health issues, a battle rooted in years of unhealthy lifestyle choices.

Weight loss isn't just about fitting into old jeans or getting ready for beach season; it's about longevity and quality of life. It's a silent war we fight every day against chronic diseases. Yet, many of us, myself included, have been guilty of treating our health as an afterthought.

It's a chilling reality, isn't it?

The clock is ticking, and every day we postpone, we're inching closer to becoming another health statistic. Which brings me to this week's episode of Stop. Dieting. Forever. I delve into this stark reality and more importantly, provide you with tools to break free from the chains of procrastination and take immediate action.

I share practical tips, personal anecdotes, and expert insights on sustaining a healthy lifestyle that goes beyond short-term diets and magic weight loss pills.

Don't miss this week's episode. I promise it's not just another weight loss sermon; it's a wake-up call, a spark to ignite immediate action, and a guide to navigating the winding road of lifelong health. I know it's a lot to digest, but I assure you, it's worth it.

Live LUXE and remember, every step you take towards a healthier lifestyle is a victory in itself.

With love, Jennifer

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success stories Jennifer Dent Brown success stories Jennifer Dent Brown

EP 166. How to Stop Regaining What You Lose

If you've lost weight by NOT following the Stop. Dieting. Forever. process, there is a 90% chance that you will regain what you lost. I don't want you to experience the heartache that comes with losing weight and then slowly gaining it back.

If you've already been there and done that, this episode will help you too. In this week's podcast, I share the two things you need to do to stop regaining the weight you lose following traditional diets.

Two things. That's it. And they don't involve extreme exercise or counting points or calories.

In episode 166, you'll learn:

  • how I went from eating 8 slices of pizza in one sitting to being able to enjoy a single slice without drama

  • why the failure rate with diets is so high

  • 2 things you can do to stop regaining weight that you lose

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success stories Jennifer Dent Brown success stories Jennifer Dent Brown

EP 165. How to Enjoy Vacation and Not Gain Weight

Are you worried about gaining weight on your next vacation? If so, you're not alone.

Many of my clients come to me thinking that vacation automatically means weight gain. When they learn my unique weight loss process, they discover they can go on vacation, enjoy themselves, feel unrestricted and not gain a single pound when they return.

In this week's episode, you'll hear from one of my clients who experienced her first vacation without gaining weight. What you'll learn:

  • the most important decision to make before you go on vacation

  • how to make the eating decisions that align with your goal weight

  • how to decline food without hurting anyone's feelings

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success stories Jennifer Dent Brown success stories Jennifer Dent Brown

EP 164. Do This to Get Control Over Your Weight

If you're like me, you probably feel out of control when you're watching your weight creep up.

No one likes feeling out of control - especially when it comes to your weight. Even though you try your best to control your "healthy" habits, something inevitably pops up to throw you off kilter and once again, you lose control.

In this week's episode, I'm going to help you break this cycle. What you'll learn:

  • how rewarding feeling in control can be

  • how easy it is to lose control

  • what you can do to regain control over your weight

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success stories Jennifer Dent Brown success stories Jennifer Dent Brown

EP 163. Three Steps to Reframe Your Regret and Feel Better About Your Weight

The secret to losing weight for the last time is to learn how to deal with the uncomfortable emotions NOW and the result will be weight loss. In episode 163, I teach you how to reframe your regret. You'll learn:

  • what you're experiencing is normal

  • how you get stuck in the shame cycle

  • how being in a community of supportive, like-minded people can help you break the cycle

  • how I deal with immense feelings of shame

  • 3 steps to reframe your regret and feel better about your weight

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success stories Jennifer Dent Brown success stories Jennifer Dent Brown

EP 162. Getting to the Other Side of Guilt

In this week's episode, I share an epiphany that I had during a recent journaling session and I was like I need to share this immediately. You may have a love/hate relationship with journaling -- that was certainly my experience in the past, however, I knew that there were benefits to having a journaling practice so stuck with it.

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success stories Jennifer Dent Brown success stories Jennifer Dent Brown

EP 161.Break the See Food Eat Food Cycle

This is the last installment of the HUNGER Series! This week I'm helping you break the see food > eat food cycle. You know when you see something yummy and suddenly your mouth is watering and you're compelled to eat? Listen in to see how you can lose weight while overcoming visual hunger.

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success stories Jennifer Dent Brown success stories Jennifer Dent Brown

EP 160. Break Your Daily Dessert Habit

The HUNGER Series continues! This week I'm helping you break your daily dessert habit.

By understanding the difference between emotional cravings and true hunger, you can break free from your dessert addiction and achieve your weight loss goals.

In this episode, I share effective strategies to help you recognize physical hunger, so you can avoid overeating and make healthier choices.

Say goodbye to daily dessert cravings and hello to a healthier, happier you. Take the first step towards achieving your desired weight loss results by learning to recognize physical hunger.

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success stories Jennifer Dent Brown success stories Jennifer Dent Brown

EP 158. When You Feel Hungry at the Same Time Every Day

Over the next episodes, I'm breaking down HUNGER. Most people are afraid of being hungry so they eat.

What they don't know is that there are 5 types of hunger and only one of them is satisfied by eating.

Chances are you're experiencing more than 1 type of hunger a day which is why you may be overeating.

When you know the difference among the types, weight loss suddenly becomes easier.

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success stories Jennifer Dent Brown success stories Jennifer Dent Brown

BONUS: Win Lifetime Access to the Stop. Dieting. Forever.™ Weight Loss Program

June 3rd is the third anniversary of the Stop. Dieting. Forever. podcast! I can't believe it. 

🎙️ 3 years

🎙️ Over 150 episodes

🎙️ Over 105,000 downloads

🎙️ LUXE Life listeners all over the globe! 78 countries including Canada, the UK, Australia, Ireland, Denmark, Israel, New Zealand, Mexico, Bahamas, Indonesia, Singapore, Spain, Mozambique, Portugal, Germany, and of course the US (to name a few).


The entire month of June, I am celebrating with my listeners and in this bonus episode, you'll hear how we will do it. 

At the end of the month, one lucky listener will win lifetime access to my signature program, Stop. Dieting. Forever.! 

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success stories Jennifer Dent Brown success stories Jennifer Dent Brown

EP 157. How to Become Someone Who Doesn’t Struggle With Their Weight

In this week's podcast, you will hear me being interviewed by my colleague who asks excellent questions like…

  • What are my top tips to help busy women undiet their brains

  • How do you give yourself permission to eat whatever you want AND not end up gaining a ton of weight

  • + more

It's such a great interview that I know you will enjoy.

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