The Stop. Dieting. Forever. Podcast with Jennifer Dent Brown
Is your dieter's mindset keeping you overweight? Good question, right? Think about it. Have all those diet rules helped you achieve your forever weight? If you're here, reading this, chances are they haven't helped you. I get it. This is exactly why I started the Stop. Dieting. Forever. podcast. I want to help you to learn how to stop thinking like a dieter so you can lose weight in a way that works!
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All episodes + show notes
EP 20. When Diet + Exercise Don’t = Weight Loss
We've always been taught that we need to move more and eat less to lose weight. It sounds so simple.
EP 19. Your #1 Weight Loss Strategy
You all know that my mission is to help you achieve lasting weight loss and exit the weight loss struggle bus once and for all.
EP 18. Achieving Food Freedom
Food freedom is simply living your life feeling in control of the food that you eat instead of feeling like food controls you.
{BONUS} How Caryn Lost 10 Pounds During the Lose 10 Free Challenge
Surprise! In this bonus episode, you're going to hear an interview I did (via live stream) with Lose Your Next 10 Pounds Without Dieting challenge participant, Caryn Rivers.
EP 17. Ready to Lose Your Pandemic Pounds? Start Here.
We are living in stressful times. There isn't a corner of the globe that hasn't been affected by the coronavirus.
EP 16. Fake Hunger is Keeping You Fat. This is How to Ignore It.
In this episode, we’re talking about fake hunger -- what it is and how to ignore it. When I start working with my clients, I find that many of them don't really know when they are truly physically hungry.
EP 15. How to Stop Your Sneaky Snack Habit
Today we're talking about everyone's favorite pastime...snacking! We LOVE to snack. In fact, studies show that snack sales have increased by 20% since the pandemic began this year.
EP 14. Dealing With Corona-Fatigue
If you are feeling irritable, stressed, anxious, tired but unable to sleep, unmotivated, or less productive and as a result, your appetite has gone into overdrive, then you may be feeling the effects from Corona-Fatigue.
EP 13. Losing 10 Pounds Without Dieting - Veronica’s Story
In today's episode, I am interviewing Veronica. Veronica came to me after struggling with her weight since childhood.
EP 12. Getting Started is Hard Until You Can Do This
Getting started on a new weight loss journey can be intimidating and scary -- especially when you have tried diet after diet after diet after diet and nothing has worked.
EP 11. Love the Journey Until You Reach Your Destination
We just wrapped up the free 6-day Lose Your Next 10 Pounds Weight Loss Challenge today and it was ah-mazing!
EP 10. Disruptive Thinking for Weight Loss Success
I thought it would be super valuable to talk about some of the common themes I see from women while on their weight loss journeys and share some solutions.
EP 09. Your Evolution to Stop. Dieting. Forever.
How many of you would like to evolve to that place where you don't have to diet anymore?
EP 08. What You REALLY Need to Lose Weight
In this episode, I share what you really need to lose weight. You will be surprised to learn that your tool kit for weight loss can consist of two simple things, a plan and some discipline.
EP 07. Breaking the Habit of Overeating
When I use the term overeat, I don't always mean eating uncontrollably and binging on everything.
EP 06. How to Step Out of the Dieter’s Mindset
Professional dieters, I have something really important to tell you and why it's crucial that you commit to learning how to stop dieting so you can start living your life.
EP 05. Losing 10 Pounds Without Dieting - LuLu’s Story
In today’s episode, I am interviewing my client, Lusharn. We have been working together for seven weeks and in that time she has lost 10 pounds -- without dieting.
EP 04. “It’s not working. I want to quit.”
"It's not good enough" is a common underlying thought that women who struggle with their weight often have.
EP 03. You Don’t Have to Workout to Lose Weight
If you've ever gotten frustrated with your lack of progress so you quit your workouts AND your diet, this episode is for you.
{BONUS} Crisis Management
Life as we know it has continued to change drastically and very quickly. As we are still coping with the uncertainty during this worldwide COVID 19 pandemic, our country is in an uproar over the violent deaths of Mr. George Floyd, Mr. Ahmaud Arbery, and Ms. Brionna Taylor.