Are You Ready To Turn Your Stress Into Weight Loss Success?

Schedule a Consult For Luxe Private Coaching

Hello Beautiful! The first step to losing weight for the last time is to schedule a weight loss strategy call with me. Please take a few minutes to complete this brief questionnaire so I can better understand your situation.

During this 60-minute, virtual session, we will discuss (1) your weight loss goal (2) all the challenges you are facing in losing weight and keeping it off.  

At the end of our session, I will share the top three things we should focus on during our 6 months so you can learn how to lose weight without a diet. I'll also share the details of my private coaching program and we can decide the next best step to get you out of food and weight purgatory.

Pick a date and time that works for you using the calendar below and I look forward to helping you.

See ya soon, Jennifer

a few Private Client Results