Twenty Tips to Creating a Healthier Lifestyle
Are you ready to lose weight without dieting so you can live your healthiest life? In this blog, I have 20 tips for you to implement so you can do just that.
Break the BLT habit
BLTs - Bites, Licks, Tastes. If this is your habit, it can keep you from losing weight.
One Fail-Proof Strategy to Lose Weight
After 8 years of coaching women through the weight loss process, there is one common point of failure that I see.
I see women fail at losing weight because they don't start the new process with a plan for success.
Your Future Begins Today
Every time you make a decision, you set the trajectory of your life. Creating the healthy lifestyle you crave depends on the decisions you make today.
Has Your Weight Hijacked Your Summer?
It’s time to stop letting your body insecurity steal away the joy of summer.
Diet to Lose Weight vs. Creating a Lifestyle
Looking to create a lifestyle instead of following another diet?
Eating Whatever You Want
Self-discipline is not easy. It's much easier to “live in the moment” and “go with the flow.” #yolo That thinking wasn't providing me with the life or the body that I wanted. Here’s what changed.