EP 208. Achieve Your 30-Day Health Goal: The 3-Step Process to Summer Success

Real Talk: Why simply wanting to finish a challenge isn't enough and how you can change that.

I'm super excited to share a powerful three-step process that will help you crush your 30-day health goals.

Whether you're part of our Stop Dieting Start Stepping 30-day challenge or tackling another goal, these steps are your secret sauce to success. So, grab your notebook and get ready to transform your approach to goal-setting!


  • The importance of deciding ahead of time to be successful.

  • Understanding and applying the Law of Assumption.

  • Creating a vision to stay motivated and avoid aimlessness.

Plus, discover the secrets of emotional alignment and mental resilience to help you stay on track and overcome doubts.

Are you ready to take the next step to living your Luxe Life at your forever weight? Click here to learn how to Stop. Dieting. Forever.


Facebook - Jennifer Dent Brown Coaching

Instagram @jenniferdentbrown

YouTube Stop. Dieting. Forever.™ with Jennifer Dent Brown

LinkedIn - Jennifer Dent Brown


Jennifer is a diet-industry disruptor. As a certified Health and Life Coach, host of a widely popular podcast, and founder of the weight loss process, Stop. Dieting. Forever.™, she is freeing women all over the world from their dependency on diets to lose weight for the last time. Join her f.r.e.e. email club, Forever Well, for tips on how to Stop. Dieting. Forever. and improve your wellness at jenniferdent.com/emailclub

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Jennifer Dent Brown

Jennifer Dent Brown is a certified, transformative Life and Weight Loss Coach, host of a widely popular podcast, and Founder of the quickly growing brand, Stop. Dieting. Forever. ™

What began as a decades-long struggle with her own weight, has blossomed into a company with a mission to help as many women as possible get off the weight loss struggle bus and arrive at their forever weight.

Through her company, she offers women private coaching, group programs, general wellness education, but most importantly the support they need to disprove the belief that weight loss is a struggle.

Her passion to serve others has provided audiences with countless hours of content via her podcast and social media, where you can follow along her journey to help women learn to stop. dieting. forever. You can find out more about Jennifer at JenniferDent.com.


EP 209. How to Lose 10 or More Pounds with a Custom 90-Day Summer Success Plan


BONUS! Join Me In Walking 8,000 Steps Every Day in June