The Stop. Dieting. Forever. Podcast with Jennifer Dent Brown

Is your dieter's mindset keeping you overweight? Good question, right? Think about it. Have all those diet rules helped you achieve your forever weight? If you're here, reading this, chances are they haven't helped you. I get it. This is exactly why I started the Stop. Dieting. Forever. podcast. I want to help you to learn how to stop thinking like a dieter so you can lose weight in a way that works!

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All episodes + show notes

Jennifer Dent Brown Jennifer Dent Brown

EP. 134 Create Big Happy Habits in 2023

We all know if we have healthy habits, we can create a healthy body. With a new year in front of us, you may be thinking about what habits you need to embrace to lose weight.

Seems simple enough, right?

So why do so many of us struggle to stick to those healthy habits?

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Jennifer Dent Brown Jennifer Dent Brown

EP. 132 End of the Year Eff Its

It's easy to give yourself permission to "enjoy" the rest of the holiday season (aka freestyle eating) and deal with the repercussions later.

In this episode, discover the three biggest eating obstacles that come up during the holidays.

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Jennifer Dent Brown Jennifer Dent Brown

EP. 130 Thanksgiving Day Prep Throwback

It's Thanksgiving Eve in the United States and it's also my birthday eve! In this week's episode, I'm going to give you a proven, simple strategy for your Thanksgiving dinner.

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Jennifer Dent Brown Jennifer Dent Brown

EP. 127 Feel In Control This Holiday Season

While on a weight loss journey some of the biggest fears of the holiday season are centered around losing control. We struggle with working out, eating too many sweets, sitting on the couch or just not doing anything.

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Jennifer Dent Brown Jennifer Dent Brown

EP. 124 Get Over Seasonal FOMO

The holiday season is quickly approaching, and this is the time of year that we experience seasonal food FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out).

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Jennifer Dent Brown Jennifer Dent Brown

EP. 120 How to Stop Negative Self-Talk

“I'm so fat. I'll never lose weight. I don't have the resources. There's no way it will work.” This sounds familiar, doesn't it? It's the negative self-talk we’ve all indulged in at some point on our weight loss journeys and it's doing nothing to help us reach or maintain a healthy weight.

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Jennifer Dent Brown Jennifer Dent Brown

EP. 118 How to Create Consistency

Does this sound familiar? You start a new weight loss plan and you're super excited. You are doing it and your motivation is at 100%, but gradually you begin to do less and less and less until you’re back at square one.

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Jennifer Dent Brown Jennifer Dent Brown

EP. 117 One Way to Make Weight Loss Fun

I am so excited for you to hear this interview with seven of the Stop. Dieting. Forever.™ community members! I love to celebrate the success of my clients, virtually AND in real life and so I recently hosted a small group of eleven members of Stop. Dieting. Forever.™ in Philadelphia for our first in-person event.

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Jennifer Dent Brown Jennifer Dent Brown

EP. 116 One Simple Strategy to Clean Up Your Eating

So you are interested in being more healthy and have decided that clean eating is the way to get you there but what exactly does it mean to eat clean? And more specifically, what does clean eating mean for you?

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