The Stop. Dieting. Forever. Podcast with Jennifer Dent Brown

Is your dieter's mindset keeping you overweight? Good question, right? Think about it. Have all those diet rules helped you achieve your forever weight? If you're here, reading this, chances are they haven't helped you. I get it. This is exactly why I started the Stop. Dieting. Forever. podcast. I want to help you to learn how to stop thinking like a dieter so you can lose weight in a way that works!

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Jennifer Dent Brown Jennifer Dent Brown

EP 205. Is SDF Right For You If You're Taking a Weight Loss Drug?

In this episode, I'm talking about a hot topic: weight loss drugs. There's a lot of buzz around them, but do they fit into the Stop Dieting Forever program? I’ll be exploring how these medications work, what they can and can't do, and why they might not be the magic solution some people think they are. Plus, I'll discuss why focusing on changing your identity is crucial to permanent weight loss, and why addressing emotional eating is the key to breaking the dieting cycle for good.

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