COVID-19: Tips for a Speedy Recovery

Five days ago I tested positive for COVID-19.

Because the COVID-19 virus triggers massive inflammation in the body, I knew I didn't want to add to the issue by eating inflammatory foods.

I also knew that my immune system needed major TLC as it was gearing up for a big battle, so I wanted to eat foods that supported my gut health.

My gut?


70% of your immune system is located in your GI tract.

If you suffer from digestive issues, chances are your immune system isn't as strong as it could be.

Quote "Let food be thy medicine and medicine by thy food."

Diet and nutrition can support immune health along with modern medicine.

Here are some of the foods I've been eating in addition to taking antiviral medication.

Now, I have to be honest.

The day my symptoms kicked in, I immediately wanted comfort food. A bacon cheeseburger 🍔 and curly fries 🍟 to be exact.

At the time, I hadn't taken a COVID test yet and I made a “I don't feel good” emotional eating decision – it happens! I'm human!

I ate half the burger and the fries and proceeded to feel worse as the COVID-19 virus starting partying hard in my body.

That's when I had a come-to-Jesus moment and knew I had to fight back with food. This is some of what I've been consuming:

🍳 Eggs

I normally eat eggs + egg whites multiple times a week, but because the Vitamin D I needed is in the yolk, I skipped the whites and ate the whole egg.


I usually have frozen salmon fillets in the freezer so my husband cooked a batch. Salmon is high in Vitamin D and omega 3 fats which both have anti-inflammatory benefits.

🍠Sweet Potato

I ate plain roasted sweet potato at every meal. Naturally colored foods are high in Vitamin A which has anti-inflammatory properties.

🐐Goat Cheese

Luckily we had some in the fridge and I ate it with my spinach and eggs. Goat cheese is high in Vitamin A which has been found to be instrumental in managing respiratory infections. I don't have a problem digesting dairy so it an energy food for me.

🥬Spinach and Kale

Because spinach and other dark green leafy vegetables are rich sources of Vitamin A. I asked my caretaker (Kevin) to swap my usual broccoli for spinach and kale (cooked and raw).

🦬Ground Bison

My husband made a spicy dish with ground bison (rich in Zinc), kale, mushrooms, cauliflower rice, and black beans. I added a side of plain roasted sweet potato. Zinc has anti-inflammatory properties.

🟠Navel oranges

Thanks to Instacart, I had fresh oranges delivered to the house to snack on. As you know, Vitamin C is a must to support immune health and they are hydrating.

🫐Greek Yogurt and Blueberries

This is one of my favorite snacks on a regular day so I continued to eat the yogurt because it's fermented and supports gut health. Unlike processed forms of dairy, minimally processed Greek yogurt reduces inflammation by improving helping to seal the intestinal lining. Blueberries because they are naturally pigmented and are immune-boosters.


Oats contain an antioxidant that has anti-inflammatory effects. I don't have a gluten intolerance so I don't have any issues digesting oats. I added flax milk, blueberries, pumpkin seeds or raw walnuts and raw honey.


In addition to consuming these foods, I drank a lot of water with electrolytes, hot herbal tea with raw organic honey. I avoided sugar, grains and ultra processed foods.

Fortunately, my symptoms didn't include loss of taste or smell or nausea so I didn't have any issues eating.

Eating with Intention

Most importantly, I ate these foods with intention and not enjoyment.

🙏🏽Before I ate, I expressed gratitude for the healing properties in these foods and I directed the foods to support my body in fighting the virus.

If you didn't know, the Mind + Body connection is real.


  • I focused on eating whole, natural foods with color.

  • I ate with intention.

  • After the burger and fries, I stopped using comfort food to feel better about my situation.


Boost your health by incorporating one or two immune-boosting foods into your diet. Cold and flu season is here and clearly, COVID isn't going anywhere.

Crowd out your favorite processed food with a whole food alternative. Here are some ideas:

  • crowd out chocolate-covered blueberries for plain blueberries

  • crowd out roasted nuts for raw nuts with no added oil or sugar

  • crowd out cheese and crackers with plain Greek yogurt and real fruit

  • crowd out sweetened iced tea with sparkling water

If you don't know about the concept of crowding out, you'll want to listen to EP. 116, One Simple Strategy to Clean Up Your Eating.

If you're ready to go all in on creating a healthier lifestyle, get ready to enroll in Stop. Dieting. Forever.

It's time to get your body prepared to fight the winter germs.

P.S. The average cost of a six to ten day hospital stay for a COVID-19 patient without insurance (or receiving out of network benefits) is $78,569 if you're over 40.

Learning how to eat to live instead of living to eat inside the Stop. Dieting. Forever. membership is $250 a month. A 12 month membership can save you over $76,000.

I've been able to avoid COVID for over two years. I rarely get colds. I haven't had the flu in decades. I contribute this healthy streak to my lifestyle.

❤️‍🔥I want to help you create a lifestyle that fights off viruses.

❤️‍🔥I want to see you thrive during the winter months.

❤️‍🔥I don't want you to worry about catching the same bug you catch every winter.

If you are ready to create your healthy lifestyle, then join us.  Click here to get more information and to add your name to the waitlist.

Jennifer Dent Brown

Jennifer Dent Brown is a certified, transformative Life and Weight Loss Coach, host of a widely popular podcast, and Founder of the quickly growing brand, Stop. Dieting. Forever. ™

What began as a decades-long struggle with her own weight, has blossomed into a company with a mission to help as many women as possible get off the weight loss struggle bus and arrive at their forever weight.

Through her company, she offers women private coaching, group programs, general wellness education, but most importantly the support they need to disprove the belief that weight loss is a struggle.

Her passion to serve others has provided audiences with countless hours of content via her podcast and social media, where you can follow along her journey to help women learn to stop. dieting. forever. You can find out more about Jennifer at

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