Jennifer Dent Brown | Stop Dieting Forever

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Your Feelings Matter

Your feelings matter. 

They are valid.

They are not wrong.

This past week I was feeling a lot of sadness.  

My friend lost her 14-year battle with cancer at the age of 48.


I didn't stop the feelings.

I didn't tell myself, “Get it together, Jennifer. You don't have time to be sad!” 

I didn't try to escape it by eating. 

I let it be. 

When I felt sad, I stopped what I was doing and I cried until I was done. 

Then I continued with my day. 

Our most uncomfortable emotions aren't meant to be avoided. 

Our feelings are simply indicators of what's happening in our minds. 

The sentences we think create a release of chemicals and hormones in the body.

Some feel great…

…others feel terrible. 

And yes, some of them can feel really uncomfortable as they pass through your body.

My grief and sadness felt like a dump truck was sitting on my heart. 

Uncomfortable? Absolutely. 

But one thing I know for sure…

…I can do uncomfortable things. 

The discomfort doesn't last forever…

…and there is relief on the other side. 

Inside SDF, I teach you the importance of becoming emotionally literate.

This is where you learn how to stop depending on food to help you cope with your emotions. 

You learn Emotional Empowerment

You will:

  • stop emotional eating for good

  • become emotionally courageous (experience all the emotions just like I did grief and sadness) without eating

Gaining emotional empowerment means you no longer allow your emotions to run your life. 

It's what you will learn when you join SDF. Click here to begin today. 

 Live LUXE,