Why Unhealthy Habits are Hard to Give Up

I’ll admit it, I was wrong…

I thought helping my clients change their unhealthy habits was the solution to their weight problem.

What I discovered surprised me.

Some would change their habits for a while…

…then, they would revert back to their old ways of doing things.

After witnessing this more than once, I was determined to figure out what happened.

I started researching the psychology of habit change.

Why are some people more successful in sticking with their new healthy habits?

Why do others struggle to make long-term changes?

This is what I learned...

…habit change doesn't just happen.

Just because someone has the desire to stop eating fast food doesn't mean they will suddenly stop going to the Dunkin Donuts drive-thru 3 times a week.

Desire alone isn't going to get you to your goal weight.

✅ Changing how you think will get you to your goal weight.

Right now, your way of thinking has you stuck in a cycle of unhealthy habits.

  • Hitting up the drive-thru multiple times a week.

  • Stress snacking.

  • Prioritizing everyone else before yourself.

  • Skipping sleep because you have so much to do and not enough time.

  • Treating yourself with food.

  • Eating whatever you want when you want

  • Late-night snacking before bed

You know those habits aren't going to help you lose weight...

…but you don't know how stop the cycle.

Why does it seem so hard?

You haven't learned how to think like a human with healthy habits.

Just because you know WHAT you should do, doesn't mean you know HOW to do it CONSISTENTLY.

This is why you stay stuck in your unhealthy habit cycle.

This is why you fail to change your habits long-term.

Your weight is a reflection of your habits. 

Your habits are a reflection of your mindset – what you're thinking.

Do you want to know how to lose weight for good?

Learn to think like a healthy human.

Do this FIRST. ☝🏽

Healthy habits will follow with ease. You'll:

  • drive past the drive-thru without a thought of pulling in.

  • manage your stress without snacking.

  • prioritize your own well-being first.

  • make the most of your awake time and enjoy a good night's sleep every night.

  • love treating yourself -- without food.

  • consistently plan your meals ahead of time with ease.

  • relax in the evenings without snacking on the couch.

You won't be perfect at it right away…

…but what you're doing now isn't working.

Learn to change your thoughts…bit by bit every day.

Your weight loss success is a direct reflection of your ability to break your cycle of unhealthy habits.

I know this to be true.

Inside SDF, I will teach you exactly how to discover the root cause of your unhealthy habit cyclesin less than 60 minutes. 

Once you know the WHY, it's easy to change what you're doing. 

This is the reason why my clients lose so much weight going through the first phase, LEARN.

  • Dr. Kathleen lost 25 pounds

  • Candy lost 8 pounds

  • Angie lost 12 pounds

  • Ginger lost 13 pounds

  • Candice lost 6 pounds

  • Christy lost 14 pounds

Do you want to lose weight?  Change your unhealthy habits...TODAY.

Click here to join SDF.

Click here to learn how to snag one of my private coaching spots

Live LUXE,

Jennifer Dent Brown

Jennifer Dent Brown is a certified, transformative Life and Weight Loss Coach, host of a widely popular podcast, and Founder of the quickly growing brand, Stop. Dieting. Forever. ™

What began as a decades-long struggle with her own weight, has blossomed into a company with a mission to help as many women as possible get off the weight loss struggle bus and arrive at their forever weight.

Through her company, she offers women private coaching, group programs, general wellness education, but most importantly the support they need to disprove the belief that weight loss is a struggle.

Her passion to serve others has provided audiences with countless hours of content via her podcast and social media, where you can follow along her journey to help women learn to stop. dieting. forever. You can find out more about Jennifer at JenniferDent.com.


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