Why I Look the Same as I Did on My Wedding Day Eight Years Ago

I sat in my bedroom, holding the phone to my ear.

It was a Sunday evening and I was speaking with an old acquaintance that I knew from a Facebook group.

The Facebook group was small…less than 20 women.

We were all connected to the organizer in some way…

…and we were all planning our weddings.

I loved that group of women.

We were all so supportive of one another as we were going through the stress of wedding planning.

My wedding was in October of 2014.

Eight years ago.

As the women in the group began to get married and move on with life, the group became less active.

Eventually, the organizer archived the group, but I remained Facebook friends with many of the women.

Little did I know that one of the women was watching me.

Not in a creepy way…

…but she saw my Facebook posts about my coaching business.

She saw how I helped women lose weight.

She's been watching me grow my business from the sidelines…

…for over 8 years.

You see, I became a coach in July of 2014.

When I met her in the wedding planning group, I was a part-time, baby coach helping women with their weight and health.

For eight years, she's watched me post pictures of myself and celebrations of my clients.

She's seen me share my services as a Health Coach and eventually as a Life + Weight Loss Coach.

She never commented on any posts so I kinda forgot that we were friends.

Recently, she commented on a post and I was so happy to see her profile.

That comment turned into a DM conversation…

…which turned into a 90-minute telephone conversation on a Sunday evening.

After we caught up on how married life was, she said to me, “Jennifer, you look exactly the same as when you got married!”

“Thank you! Girl that was over 8 years ago!” was my response.

“I know! We got married around the same time and you're doing something that I'm clearly not doing,” she joked.

She paused.

Her voice softened a little and she said, “But seriously, I need to lose this weight.”

I promptly responded, “I can help you” and I proceeded to tell her how.

We continued our conversation.

I answered all her questions.

I soothed her fears about failure.

I reminded her what an amazing example she could set for her young daughters.

She become a member of SDF the next day.

I'm sharing that story with you because a lot of people don't look the same as they did eight years ago.

Maybe you don't feel as good as you did 8 years ago.

I never really compared how I look today to how I looked 8 years ago, but her comment really stuck with me.

It got me to thinking…

What was different between her and me?

No one gave her the gift of health.

No one taught her how to manage stress.

No one taught her that she didn't have to starve herself to lose weight.

No one told her that she can still enjoy a Philly cheesesteak without it being a problem.

She didn't know.

Fast forward to today…she's learning.

After attending her first group coaching call (where she courageously raised her hand to be coached), she sent me this text message…

She may not look the same as she did 8 years ago, but you best believe, she's going to look and feel amazing 8 years from now.

She changed the trajectory of her life when she said yes to SDF.

Here's a big question for you…

Where do you see yourself in 8 years?

The year will be 2030.

I know how I'll be living.

I'm taking care of my 2030 body now.

What about you?

There's room for you inside SDF.

Join today.


See ya soon,

Jennifer Dent Brown

Jennifer Dent Brown is a certified, transformative Life and Weight Loss Coach, host of a widely popular podcast, and Founder of the quickly growing brand, Stop. Dieting. Forever. ™

What began as a decades-long struggle with her own weight, has blossomed into a company with a mission to help as many women as possible get off the weight loss struggle bus and arrive at their forever weight.

Through her company, she offers women private coaching, group programs, general wellness education, but most importantly the support they need to disprove the belief that weight loss is a struggle.

Her passion to serve others has provided audiences with countless hours of content via her podcast and social media, where you can follow along her journey to help women learn to stop. dieting. forever. You can find out more about Jennifer at JenniferDent.com.


Tying Your Shoelaces and Losing Weight (same same)


How I Help You Lose Weight