How to Overcome Saturday Night Regret

A really common point of friction I hear from the women who seek my help is this…

…I really want to lose this weight, but I have to [insert other priority] first

This is code for…

…I'm too scared to try because I don't want to fail again.

Like you, most of my clients had the same thought before they started working with me. 

Fear of failure is just perfectionism and perfectionism won't help you lose weight. 

Here's the truth – the SDF process isn't fail-proof.

You won't start the process and magically never fail.

What the SDF process will help you do is Fail Forward. 

It's a concept I teach and it's why so many of my clients stick with the process no matter how long it takes until they reach their goal weight. 

They know, if they start, fail, and quit, they will end up exactly where they started. 

The only reason you haven't solved your weight issue is because you don't know how to recover from failure. 

Overeating on Saturday night isn't a problem when you know how to recover from it. 


Inside the SDF member portal, you'll get access to a bonus training:

  • Too Much Weekend Fun? Do This Now…

It's a 5-minute mini-training. I teach you how to recover quickly so you can change the habit of Saturday night overeating (aka Weekend Brain).

When you learn how to Fail Forward, you:

  • learn how to stop self-sabotaging behavior

  • become more confident in your food choices

  • no longer fear failure

  • stop being a victim of perfectionistic thinking

You want to join SDF, but you feel resistance to starting something new? 

Just know that overcoming this resistance is the first part of your journey to food freedom.

It's time to Stop. Dieting. Forever.

Join SDF today or request one of my private coaching spots. 

Work with a group or with me privately. The process is the same.  

You will reach your forever weight. 

Become a Member

Inquirer about private coaching

You can do it. 

I'm here to help you. 

Jennifer Dent Brown

Jennifer Dent Brown is a certified, transformative Life and Weight Loss Coach, host of a widely popular podcast, and Founder of the quickly growing brand, Stop. Dieting. Forever. ™

What began as a decades-long struggle with her own weight, has blossomed into a company with a mission to help as many women as possible get off the weight loss struggle bus and arrive at their forever weight.

Through her company, she offers women private coaching, group programs, general wellness education, but most importantly the support they need to disprove the belief that weight loss is a struggle.

Her passion to serve others has provided audiences with countless hours of content via her podcast and social media, where you can follow along her journey to help women learn to stop. dieting. forever. You can find out more about Jennifer at

Your Feelings Matter


Why It’s Not Working